Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Postition Statement #1 - Ethics and Campaign Finance Reform

To the Citizens of Utah House District 19

I firmly believe campaign finance practices and legislative ethics standards need to be reformed in Utah. I am not alone. Recent opinion polling shows that most Utahns favor the formulation of an inde
pendent legislative ethics commission and limitations on contributions to legislative candidates*.

Recent court rulings and pending legislative actions are not likely to resolve these issues quickly or completely. So what are you, the Utah voter, to do in the meantime? The answer is simple. Vote for the candidates who have clearly stated ethical standards and campaign policies that match your expectations... then hold them accountable.

To that end, I present my ethical standards and campaign finance policies for your review.

I pledge to conduct my campaign for District 19 Representative honestly, openly, positively, and with full and frequent disclosure of income and expenses, as outlined below:

I welcome contributions to my campaign from supportive individuals and businesses, however, I WILL NOT accept campaign donations from any single individual or business of more than $500 for each of the Primary and General elections.

I WILL NOT accept campaign donations or gifts, with the exception of reasonably priced meals ($25 or less), from any political action committee, union, lobbyist, or from the campaign fund of any current elected official or other political candidate.

I WILL NOT use campaign funds to pay for any non-campaign related personal or business expenses.

I WILL publicly post all of my campaign income and expenses on a weekly basis throughout the full campaign cycle. The first weekly post will appear on on February 15th.

If elected:

I WILL serve the people of District 19 with the same standard of complete integrity, accountability, and dedication that will guide my campaign and that has been at the heart of my public service for the past decade and beyond.

I WILL NOT offer any of my campaign funds to other legislators.

I WILL NOT profit personally or professionally from my service beyond the legally approved compensation and reimbursement allowances for Utah legislators. I WILL NOT serve as a paid lobbyist for any organization while I serve as a legislator, or for at least one year following my service.

As a citizen legislator with a full-time occupation beyond public service, I WILL disclose any conflict of interest that may emerge between pending legislation and my professional and personal interests.

The primary motivation for the votes I cast will be to represent the will and the best interests of the people of District 19. I WILL promote and protect their interests to the best of my ability, in accordance with the US and Utah Constitutions and all applicable laws and standards.

Some people have said these practices and policies will severely restrict my ability to raise money for this campaign. Perhaps, but I am willing to take that risk because I firmly believe in the principles they represent. I believe my campaign support should come primarily from you, the people of District 19. I believe that support will come as I show my resolve to continue to serve you well.

While the debate ebbs and flows elsewhere, District 19 can be the epicenter of ethics and campaign finance reform by electing a candidate who has stated his positions clearly and voluntarily and who will stand by them through Election Day and beyond. I am pleased to be that candidate.

Thank you for your support. I look forward to representing you.

John S. Pitt

Please watch the John Pitt for Utah House Facebook page and my website for forthcoming statements about my positions on other issues important to District 19.

*Deseret News/KSL-TV poll January 17, 2010

Content approved by the Committee to Elect John Pitt

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