Thursday, March 4, 2010

Campaign Finance Disclosure - Feb 22-28

Thanks to those District 19 supporters who have contributed to my campaign to date.  If you support my campaign to preserve solid conservative values, promote economic and educational development, and protect individual and business rights, I invite you to make a donation to this critical effort.  As a reminder, you can contribute easily and securely on line by logging onto  You can also track every penny of my campaign contributions and expenses by watching for postings like this which will appear each week on my blog. This is a voluntary response to my commitment to strict legislative ethics and campaign finance reform.  Please read more about it by checking our my earlier blog on the topic. 
Here are the income and expenses for the past week:

Date                 Source                        Amount        Purpose   
Feb 22 - 28        Individual Donors       $450.00       Contributions 

Accumulative Total                            $3100.00
Date                 Source                       Amount          Purpose        
Feb 25              Davis County GOP     $200.00         Lincoln Dinner Booth
Feb.25              Davis County GOP     $110.00         Lincoln Dinner Tickets (4)

Accumulative Total                           $2414.73

Thanks for your support, 
John Pitt 
District 19 Representative

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