Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Remarks from District 19 Caucus

As much as I appreciated the applause at the end of my remarks at the District 19 Caucus, it came about 10 seconds too soon.  Okay, I ran about 10 seconds too long.  Either way, here's the text for those who may have missed the excitement that evening: 

Recently many of my neighbors have asked me, “why do you want to run for public office?”

I’m running because I love this town.  It’s my home town.  It’s why my wife Wendy and I have raised our 3 children here.  It’s why I’ve spent decades serving the people of this community.  It’s why I’m running now.

I’m running because you want conservative fiscal management.  You can count on me to do that because I have already done it.  As a former city councilman, I am the only candidate in this race with a public record of balancing a multi-million dollar government budget…not once, but 7 times…without raising taxes.  Although the City Council position was a non-partisan office, I am a lifelong Republican and adhere to the Republican Party platform.

You want robust economic development.  As the son of a local merchant, as a small businessman, and as the former President of the Davis Chamber, I have pushed local economic development for decades.  I’ve done it because it’s good for our community and because it helps fund our most important services.

You want great education for your children.  As a parent and as a member of 3 district advisory boards, I know the great need for education funding.  I also know the way to pay for it is not to burden our families with more taxes.  It’s to drive economic development. I am the one candidate with the long and ongoing record of doing that…right here in District 19 and in Davis County.

You want legislative ethics.  I am the only candidate who has posted my own ethics standard.  I didn’t wait for the legislature to dictate my campaign ethics.  I have set my own stringent guidelines and am conducting my campaign by them right now.

You have four great candidates to choose from.  I ask you to consider which candidate has the best and longest record of proven leadership and dedicated service to the people of South Davis?  I am that candidate.   Please support my candidacy to be YOUR representative because it’s your hometown too.  Thank you.

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