Thursday, February 18, 2010

Position Statement #3 - Economic Development: Decades of Proven Leadership

Dear Friends  and Neighbors,

Economic Development is key to the success of any community.  As a result, the drive for local economic growth is at the top of my civic priority list...and it has been for decades.  My commitment to create, sustain, and strengthen business in District 19 did not surface with my decision to run for the Utah House of Representatives.  It started when I was just a kid.

Economic Development Experience

My father was a local merchant and the president of the Bountiful Downtown Merchants Association. I helped at the family business from the time I could hold a broom until I was old enough to manage the store myself.  Throughout that time I developed valued friendships with other local merchants and their families.  I worked to build their businesses as well because I knew that our family's success depended on Main Street's success. I also learned that Main Street's success depended on the overall community's success....a high tide floats all boats. 

"Buy It In Bountiful" was the first program I implemented when I was elected to the Bountiful City Council in 1999.  I was the City liaison to the Bountiful Historic Main Street Association until I stepped down from the Council in 2007 to become President and CEO of the Davis Chamber of Commerce.  I promoted business advancement throughout Davis County while serving on multiple development related boards and committees.  I am now Project Director for the Bonneville Companies.   I am a member of the Economic Development Corporation of Utah, the Davis Unified Economic Development committee, and Davis and Salt Lake Chambers of Commerce.

If elected to the Utah House of Representatives, I will continue working tirelessly to expand existing business, develop new local business, and attract outside business to Utah. I will adamantly support public/private partnerships that can deliver a strong, positive return on the tax dollars needed to get them up and running.  A great example of the kind of program I will support is the Utah Procurement Team.  This public/private partnership helps local employers win lucrative contracts that bring additional jobs and dollars to Utah.  So far the Utah Procurement Team has brought  in $152 for every $1 in tax revenue they received. That is one more reason that Utah is the best managed state in the Union.  EDCUtah is another great program that I believe it pays to support.

There are other development programs and policies that need to be considered and implemented if profitable for Utah tax payers.  I will vigorously seek out and/or create those initiatives as your Representative. 

There are three ways to ensure that Utah's budget remains balanced: 1) cut services, 2) raise taxes,  and/or 3) increase revenues.  Clearly #3 is the preferred method.  Economic Development is the best way to increase that revenue and decrease individual and business tax burdens. You have the opportunity to elect a Utah House candidate who has unsurpassed experience in attracting, building, and promoting business.  I am pleased to be that candidate.  I am eager to put my Economic Development experience to work for you on Capitol Hill.    

Thank you for your support,

John Pitt

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