Friday, February 12, 2010

Position Statement #2 - Length of Service

Dear Friends and Neighbors, 

My friend Todd Weiler posted a great question on Facebook today.  He asked,

"How long is 'long enough' for one person to serve in the Utah Legislature?"

I hadn't intended the term limitations debate to be the topic of my second position statement, but since I think it is important to clarify my own campaign terms and conditions right up front, I've decided to comment on that subject right now.  Here is my response to Todd's question:


Okay Todd, your question is too good to pass up a chance for a little campaigning. Sorry, but 'tis the season...already. I think citizens should be allowed to vote-in or vote-out who they want, when they want. I oppose mandated term limits. HOWEVER, I think citizens and governments are better served with reasonable turn-over of elected officials. 

When I ran for Bountiful City Council I made it clear that I would not hold the office for more than 8 years. I actually served for 7 years (I stepped down my last year to lead the Davis Chamber). Likewise, if I am elected as District 19 Representative and remain the favored candidate, I will not serve in that office for more than 8 years (4 terms). I think that is long enough to be truly effective, but not long enough to become an entrenched bureaucrat. 

So, as with the ethics debate, I've made my standards and self-imposed checks and balances clear. I trust the people of District 19 will vote for the candidate whose standards of ethics and length of service most closely match their own. Thanks Todd for raising the question. I'm interested to know what you and others think.  


So there you go.  As I said, I am interested to know what you think.

Also, please check out  It has a link to my Facebook page and, oh yes, a safe and secure DONATE button.  There are at least 4 candidates for the District 19 seat, so I would certainly appreciate your ideological and financial support for this already vigorous campaign. 

Thanks for your support,  John Pitt


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