Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thank You For Your Support

Good news - 100% of District 19's 90 delegates attended the Davis County Republican Convention on Saturday.  Good work District 19.  Bad News - I was not successful in my bid to be the Utah State Representative from Bountiful and Woods Cross.  Good news- I had many wonderful supporters whom I truly appreciate and it was a good experience overall. I learned a lot. Thanks to all of you who supported my attempt to foster innovative economic development, real  and immediate campaign finance reform, robust education funding, and a policy of political inclusion and consensus building to the GOP.  Although my campaign was not successful, I look forward to continued involvement with the businesses, the schools, the organizations, and the people of Bountiful and Davis County.  Thank you and best wishes. 

Friday, April 9, 2010

Financial Disclosures of District 19 Candidates

I have moved my campaign finance reporting to the Lt. Governor's official Elections web page so that it can be easily viewed and compared with other candidates' finances. There is the formal pre-convention report, which is completed, and there is also an ongoing log which shows all income and expenses as they are entered.  Please check out my reports, as well as those of Ben Horsley, Jim Nielson, and Kris Kimball.  I think you will find a very telling contrast between them, particularly in the origin of the donations.

Please go to:  Campaign Finance Disclosures

Also, please note that I will post my income and expenses on this blog for your convenience as well.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Thanks to those District 19 delegates who attended the Meet the Candidates Night yesterday (April 1st). It was great to talk with you. I particularly appreciated the lengthy Q&A and I hope my responses got to the heart of your questions. Don't forget, there is another opportunity tonight and again on Wednesday 4/7  (delegates have received those invitations).  And...I'm still making my way door-to-door to every delegate's home.  I've made it to half of them so far, so please be patient if I haven't been by yet.  I'll be there soon.  JSP

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Remarks from District 19 Caucus

As much as I appreciated the applause at the end of my remarks at the District 19 Caucus, it came about 10 seconds too soon.  Okay, I ran about 10 seconds too long.  Either way, here's the text for those who may have missed the excitement that evening: 

Recently many of my neighbors have asked me, “why do you want to run for public office?”

I’m running because I love this town.  It’s my home town.  It’s why my wife Wendy and I have raised our 3 children here.  It’s why I’ve spent decades serving the people of this community.  It’s why I’m running now.

I’m running because you want conservative fiscal management.  You can count on me to do that because I have already done it.  As a former city councilman, I am the only candidate in this race with a public record of balancing a multi-million dollar government budget…not once, but 7 times…without raising taxes.  Although the City Council position was a non-partisan office, I am a lifelong Republican and adhere to the Republican Party platform.

You want robust economic development.  As the son of a local merchant, as a small businessman, and as the former President of the Davis Chamber, I have pushed local economic development for decades.  I’ve done it because it’s good for our community and because it helps fund our most important services.

You want great education for your children.  As a parent and as a member of 3 district advisory boards, I know the great need for education funding.  I also know the way to pay for it is not to burden our families with more taxes.  It’s to drive economic development. I am the one candidate with the long and ongoing record of doing that…right here in District 19 and in Davis County.

You want legislative ethics.  I am the only candidate who has posted my own ethics standard.  I didn’t wait for the legislature to dictate my campaign ethics.  I have set my own stringent guidelines and am conducting my campaign by them right now.

You have four great candidates to choose from.  I ask you to consider which candidate has the best and longest record of proven leadership and dedicated service to the people of South Davis?  I am that candidate.   Please support my candidacy to be YOUR representative because it’s your hometown too.  Thank you.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Campaign Finance Disclosure March 15 - 21

Thanks to those District 19 supporters who have contributed to my campaign to date.  If you support my campaign to preserve solid conservative values, promote economic and educational development, and protect individual and business rights, I invite you to make a donation to this critical effort.  As a reminder, you can contribute easily and securely on line by logging onto

You can also track every penny of my campaign contributions and expenses by watching for postings like this which will appear each week on my blog. This is a voluntary response to my commitment to strict legislative ethics and campaign finance reform.  Please read more about it by checking our my earlier blog on the topic. 
Here are the income and expenses for the past week:

Date                 Source                        Amount        Purpose   
Mar 15 - 21     Individual Donors         $735.00        Contributions 

Accumulative Total                          $4635.00
Date                 Recipient                 Amount          Purpose        
Mar. 16            Personal Acct.           $550.00          Repayment - Start up Costs (See first report)
Mar  17            Davis Clerk               $  13.20          Filing Fee 
Mar  17            Smith's Market          $  34.09          Printer Ink
Mar  17            US Postal Service      $ 44.00          Stamps

Weekly Total                                      $641.29
Accumulative Total                        $3857.61

Thanks for your support, 
John Pitt 
District 19 Representative

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tonight is the Night - GOP Caucus - 7 pm - Bountiful High School

Dear District 19 Caucus Attendees:

YOU can make the difference between 
VIBRANT economic growth,
SOUND fiscal management,
STRAIGHT-UP ethics reform,
and ROBUST  public education... 
or just more of the same.

Become a Delegate at the District 19 GOP Caucus TONIGHT -
then support John Pitt for District 19 Representative at the County Convention. 

John has years of proven civic leadership and a strong record of community service.

John has been a strong,  vocal advocate for economic development in South Davis County for more than 20 years. 
No other candidate has a public voting record of tight fiscal management.

John helped balance Bountiful's budget for 7 successive years while maintaining a high level of city service. 

Only John has posted a strong 10-point ethical standard for his own campaign.

John has gone to bat for public education again and again as an elected official, a community advocate,  and as a concerned parent.

Make a difference. Rally your friends and neighbors  and support THE candidate who has supported all of you time and time again.

John Pitt for
Utah House of Representatives- District 19
Proven Leadership
Dedicated Service

Friday, March 19, 2010

Don't Just Gripe...Grab A Muffin...Then Help

Hey District 19 Neighbors,

I have heard one question again and again this week with regard to my candidacy for the Utah House of Representatives; "Are you nuts?"  I know why people are asking me that.  Budgets are stretched, partisanship is high, decisions are tough, and public trust is weakened.  My response to the question is, "I'm more certain of it than ever."    You see, I can either be part of the problem or part of the solution.  I prefer the latter.  I always have.  That's why I running for the House of Representatives.  I hope that you want to be part of the solution as well. 

The most effective way for you to have a dramatic impact on who will represent you on Capitol Hill next year is to attend your Neighborhood Caucus (March 23rd), become a delegate to the County Convention,  then vote for the candidate who will best represent you, your community, and your values. I am that candidate. I hope you plan to attend and to participate.

Don't worry if you are new to this process!!   I am holding a Pre-Caucus Brunch to tell you more about the issues I stand for and how to elect Pitt supporters as County delegates.  The brunch will be held at Bountiful's own Extreme Home Makeover house - 702 East 500 South in Bountiful - from 9 to 10 am.  It was my pleasure to be the Volunteer Coordinator and City Liaison during the 5-day construction of this wonderful home.  Come see a great example of what the people of District 19 can do when they put their minds to it and work together...which is exactly what we need to do at the Caucus meeting as well.

Come for a lite-brunch as we discuss the issues that are important to District 19 and as I explain my background, my motivation, and my positions on the issues.  We'll also discuss how to make the Neighborhood Caucus meeting a strategic success for proven leadership, dedicated community service, fiscal responsibility, economic development, robust education, and strong ethics.
Please RSVP  by Friday evening 3/19 if you plan to attend - 801-867-1947.

Interest in the 2010 election is particularly high, so all of the county and state candidates are eager to bring their supporters to the Caucus meetings.  The delegates we elect that night will set the tone for the rest of the campaign.  Therefore, I need as many of my supporters as possible to attend the District 19 Caucus at 7 pm on March 23rd at Bountiful High School.  Once there, I need you elect delegates who will support me at the County Convention on April 10.  You can also run for a delegate spot yourself.  I look forward to seeing you on Saturday morning March 20th and on March 23rd as well.

Thank you for your support,

John Pitt
Candidate for Utah State Representative
District 19

Campaign Finance Disclosure March 8-14

Thanks to those District 19 supporters who have contributed to my campaign to date.  If you support my campaign to preserve solid conservative values, promote economic and educational development, and protect individual and business rights, I invite you to make a donation to this critical effort.  As a reminder, you can contribute easily and securely on line by logging onto

You can also track every penny of my campaign contributions and expenses by watching for postings like this which will appear each week on my blog. This is a voluntary response to my commitment to strict legislative ethics and campaign finance reform.  Please read more about it by checking our my earlier blog on the topic. 
Here are the income and expenses for the past week:

Date                 Source                        Amount        Purpose   
Mar 8 - 14        Individual Donors         $100.00        Contributions 

Accumulative Total                          $3900.00
Date                 Recipient                 Amount          Purpose        
Mar. 10             Personal Acct.           $500.00          Repayment - Start up Costs (See first report)
Mar  13             Fed Ex                        $10.07          Copies

Weekly Total                                      $510.07
Accumulative Total                        $3216.32

Thanks for your support, 
John Pitt 
District 19 Representative

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pre-Caucus Brunch

Hey District 19 Neighbors,

You've likely been inundated this week with invitations to participate in  upcoming Neighborhood Caucus meetings.  And yes, some of those invitations have been from my own campaign .  Interest in the 2010 election is particularly high, so all of the county and state candidates are eager to bring their supporters to the Caucus meetings.  The delegates we elect that night will set the tone for the rest of the campaign.  Therefore, I need as many of my supporters as possible to attend the District 19 Caucus at 7 pm on March 23rd at Bountiful High School.  Once there, I need you elect delegates who will support me at the County Convention on April 10.  You can also run for a delegate spot yourself.

Don't worry if you are new to this process!!   I am holding a Pre-Caucus Brunch to tell you more about the issues I stand for and how to elect Pitt supporters as County delegates.  The brunch will be held at Bountiful's own Extreme Home Makeover house - 702 East 500 South in Bountiful - from 9 to 10 am.  It was my pleasure to be the Volunteer Coordinator and City Liaison during the 5-day construction of this wonderful home.  Come see a great example of what the people of District 19 can do when they put their minds to it and work together...which is exactly what we need to do at the Caucus meeting as well.

Come for a lite-brunch as we discuss the issues that are important to District 19 and as I explain my background, my motivation, and my positions on the issues.  We'll also discuss how to make the Neighborhood Caucus meeting a strategic success for proven leadership, dedicated community service, fiscal responsibility, economic development, robust education, and strong ethics.
Please RSVP  by Friday evening 3/19 if you plan to attend - 801-867-1947.

I look forward to seeing you on Saturday morning March 20th and on March 223rd as well.

Thank you for your support,

John Pitt
Candidate for Utah State Representative
District 19


I will

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Campaign Finance Disclosure - March 1-7

Thanks to those District 19 supporters who have contributed to my campaign to date.  If you support my campaign to preserve solid conservative values, promote economic and educational development, and protect individual and business rights, I invite you to make a donation to this critical effort.  As a reminder, you can contribute easily and securely on line by logging onto 

You can also track every penny of my campaign contributions and expenses by watching for postings like this which will appear each week on my blog. This is a voluntary response to my commitment to strict legislative ethics and campaign finance reform.  Please read more about it by checking our my earlier blog on the topic. 
Here are the income and expenses for the past week:

Date                 Source                        Amount        Purpose   
Mar 1 - 7          Individual Donors         $700.00       Contributions 

Accumulative Total                            $3800.00
Date                 Source                       Amount          Purpose        
Feb. 25             Stick-It Graphics       $119.81            Campaign Signs
Feb 27              Dick's Market             $19.48            Balloons and Candy
Mar. 6              Send Out Cards         $152.23            Post Cards and Postage
Weekly Total                                      $291.52
Accumulative Total                        $2706.25

Thanks for your support, 
John Pitt 
District 19 Representative

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Q: What is the Best Way to Know What a Candidate Will Do Once Elected?
A: Consider What He/She Has Already Done!

I've had three great meetings with District 19 voters. Thanks to Lisa Harrison, Brandon Thacker, and Bob Anderson for hosting those meetings. More meetings will follow prior to the March 23rd neighborhood caucus. Below is the text of a letter I present to the people who attend these meetings...just in case you aren't able to attend:

Fiscal Responsibility

John Pitt’s Proven Fiscal Leadership

*Helped balance Bountiful’s budget 7 times, without raising taxes, as City Council member
*Kept Bountiful taxes the lowest of all comparable cities in Utah while preserving high service levels

Economic Development

John Pitt’s Proven Economic Development Leadership

*Davis Chamber of Commerce – President/CEO
* Bountiful Merchants Association – City liaison
*“Buy It in Bountiful” campaign – founder
* Davis Unified Economic Dev. Comm. - member
*Economic Development Corporation of Utah – member
*25-year advocate for South Davis small businesses
*Taste of the Town South – founder

Public Education Advocacy

John Pitt’s Proven Education Leadership

*Davis Education Foundation – board member
*Davis Dist. Budget Advisory Committee - member
*Bountiful City Youth Council - advisor
*Pioneer Adult Rehab. Center – board member

Ethics and Campaign Reform

John Pitt’s Proven Ethical Leadership

*Voluntarily adopted, posted and implemented 10-point Ethical Standards Policy for this campaign
*Maintained highest ethical standards during 2 previous campaigns and terms in office
*Has not and will not accept donations from PACs interest groups, or other officials’ campaign funds
*Disclosing campaign income and expenses NOW

Why wish for strong results when you can support a candidate who has produced them for years? Please go to the District 19 Neighborhood Caucus at 7 pm on Tuesday, March 23rd at Bountiful High School and elect delegates who support John Pitt for District 19 Representative. Thank you.

-Approved by the Committee to Elect John Pitt

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Position Statement #4: Public Education - Utah's Single Most Important Investment

As with my drive for economic development in Utah, my support of first-rate public education is deeply rooted and long standing. There are at least 2,750,000 good reasons to support a robust education system for our state.  That equates to one reason for every single Utahn, because superior public education directly benefits every single one of us. Quality public education and economic development go hand in hand. I am reminded of that almost every working day.

As the development director for a commercial construction company and a member of the Economic Development Corporation of Utah,  I receive frequent notices about major companies that are considering moving  to and/or expanding in Utah.  Each notice lists a variety of features that a potential site must provide if the company is to locate there. Needed attributes vary from one solicitation to the next (sufficient acreage, low cost utilities, proximity to transportation, etc), but one requirement is listed predominantly on every notice:  must have available well educated workforce.

These companies offer hundreds of good paying, long term jobs and millions of dollars in infrastructure to invest.  The quality of our public education system is at the heart of their decision whether or not to come to Utah.  And once they make the decision to come,  much of the revenue they generate in Utah is invested right back in public education.    

As your future Representative to the Utah House, I will consider Return on Investment (ROI) as a key factor in State government funding decisions.  In other words, what benefit will spending bring directly to the Utahns who pay for it?  Education funding bolsters economic development and economic development bolsters education funding.  It is a funding cycle of critical importance to all the people of Utah and I will work tirelessly to keep it growing for all of us.

Campaign Finance Disclosure - Feb 22-28

Thanks to those District 19 supporters who have contributed to my campaign to date.  If you support my campaign to preserve solid conservative values, promote economic and educational development, and protect individual and business rights, I invite you to make a donation to this critical effort.  As a reminder, you can contribute easily and securely on line by logging onto  You can also track every penny of my campaign contributions and expenses by watching for postings like this which will appear each week on my blog. This is a voluntary response to my commitment to strict legislative ethics and campaign finance reform.  Please read more about it by checking our my earlier blog on the topic. 
Here are the income and expenses for the past week:

Date                 Source                        Amount        Purpose   
Feb 22 - 28        Individual Donors       $450.00       Contributions 

Accumulative Total                            $3100.00
Date                 Source                       Amount          Purpose        
Feb 25              Davis County GOP     $200.00         Lincoln Dinner Booth
Feb.25              Davis County GOP     $110.00         Lincoln Dinner Tickets (4)

Accumulative Total                           $2414.73

Thanks for your support, 
John Pitt 
District 19 Representative

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Campaign Finance Disclosure - Feb 15 - 21

Thanks to those District 19 supporters who have contributed to my campaign to date.  If you support my campaign to preserve solid conservative values, promote economic and educational development, and protect individual and business rights, I invite you to make a donation to this critical effort.  As a reminder, you can contribute easily and securely on line by logging onto  You can also track every penny of my campaign contributions and expenses by watching for postings like this which will appear each week on my blog.  

Here are the income and expenses for the past week:

Date                 Source                        Amount        Purpose   
Feb 15-21        Individual Donors     $425.00       Contributions 

Accumulative Total                        $2650.00
Date                 Source                       Amount          Purpose        
Feb 18              US Postal Service         $15.84           Stamps
Feb. 20             Send Out Cards          $233.47           Printing/Mailing

Accumulative Total                         $2104.73

Thanks for your support, 

John Pitt 
District 19 Representative

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Position Statement #3 - Economic Development: Decades of Proven Leadership

Dear Friends  and Neighbors,

Economic Development is key to the success of any community.  As a result, the drive for local economic growth is at the top of my civic priority list...and it has been for decades.  My commitment to create, sustain, and strengthen business in District 19 did not surface with my decision to run for the Utah House of Representatives.  It started when I was just a kid.

Economic Development Experience

My father was a local merchant and the president of the Bountiful Downtown Merchants Association. I helped at the family business from the time I could hold a broom until I was old enough to manage the store myself.  Throughout that time I developed valued friendships with other local merchants and their families.  I worked to build their businesses as well because I knew that our family's success depended on Main Street's success. I also learned that Main Street's success depended on the overall community's success....a high tide floats all boats. 

"Buy It In Bountiful" was the first program I implemented when I was elected to the Bountiful City Council in 1999.  I was the City liaison to the Bountiful Historic Main Street Association until I stepped down from the Council in 2007 to become President and CEO of the Davis Chamber of Commerce.  I promoted business advancement throughout Davis County while serving on multiple development related boards and committees.  I am now Project Director for the Bonneville Companies.   I am a member of the Economic Development Corporation of Utah, the Davis Unified Economic Development committee, and Davis and Salt Lake Chambers of Commerce.

If elected to the Utah House of Representatives, I will continue working tirelessly to expand existing business, develop new local business, and attract outside business to Utah. I will adamantly support public/private partnerships that can deliver a strong, positive return on the tax dollars needed to get them up and running.  A great example of the kind of program I will support is the Utah Procurement Team.  This public/private partnership helps local employers win lucrative contracts that bring additional jobs and dollars to Utah.  So far the Utah Procurement Team has brought  in $152 for every $1 in tax revenue they received. That is one more reason that Utah is the best managed state in the Union.  EDCUtah is another great program that I believe it pays to support.

There are other development programs and policies that need to be considered and implemented if profitable for Utah tax payers.  I will vigorously seek out and/or create those initiatives as your Representative. 

There are three ways to ensure that Utah's budget remains balanced: 1) cut services, 2) raise taxes,  and/or 3) increase revenues.  Clearly #3 is the preferred method.  Economic Development is the best way to increase that revenue and decrease individual and business tax burdens. You have the opportunity to elect a Utah House candidate who has unsurpassed experience in attracting, building, and promoting business.  I am pleased to be that candidate.  I am eager to put my Economic Development experience to work for you on Capitol Hill.    

Thank you for your support,

John Pitt

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Campaign Finance Disclosure Report #1

 Dear Friends and Neighbors,

As I promised in my earlier statement on my own campaign finance standards, I am posting below the first weekly report on this campaign's income and expenses.  I'll be the first to admit, it is a bit underwhelming,..for now...but that's okay.  I did not base my decision to run for the Utah House of Representatives on initial fund raising efforts.  I based it entirely on my desire to continue to represent you, the people of Bountiful...and on the support you have shown those efforts in the past.

Having made the decision to run for District 19 Representative based on what I can contribute to the office, I am now in the process of raising enough money to run an effective, winning campaign.  Letters requesting your endorsement and support for my campaign are in the mail right now.  I have also provided an easy and secure way for you to donate to this campaign on-line.  Just go to and click on the Donate button. You'll be directed from there.

Since I have already made it clear that my campaign will not accept single-donor contributions larger than $500 or special interest contributions of any size, your donations of  $25, $50, or $100 will be greatly appreciated. And they will be used fact, you can track every penny I spend right here as I continue to voluntarily disclose my campaign finances every week throughout the campaign. That is my commitment to campaign finance reform and increased campaign disclosure.

Thank you for your early support and please watch this spot as the campaign takes off.  

John Pitt for Utah House of Representatives Campaign Finance Report #1

Date  Source                                 Amount    Purpose        
Dec. 28 Start-up/personal acct. 2,000.00    Initial expense
Jan 15-31 Individual contributors 125.00    Donations
Feb 1-15 Individual contributors 100.00    Donations
Total 2,225.00
Date  Recipient  Amount    Purpose 
Dec. 29 Forth Gear 1,642.50    Stationery,web 
Jan. 16 US Postal Service  44.00      Stamps
Feb. 8 FedEx  95.94      Printing 
Feb. 8  Smiths Marketplace  7.21     Envelopes
Feb. 8  Smiths Marketplace  34.09     Ink cartridges 
Feb. 8 US Postal Service  47.52     Stamps
Total  1,871.26

Friday, February 12, 2010

Position Statement #2 - Length of Service

Dear Friends and Neighbors, 

My friend Todd Weiler posted a great question on Facebook today.  He asked,

"How long is 'long enough' for one person to serve in the Utah Legislature?"

I hadn't intended the term limitations debate to be the topic of my second position statement, but since I think it is important to clarify my own campaign terms and conditions right up front, I've decided to comment on that subject right now.  Here is my response to Todd's question:


Okay Todd, your question is too good to pass up a chance for a little campaigning. Sorry, but 'tis the season...already. I think citizens should be allowed to vote-in or vote-out who they want, when they want. I oppose mandated term limits. HOWEVER, I think citizens and governments are better served with reasonable turn-over of elected officials. 

When I ran for Bountiful City Council I made it clear that I would not hold the office for more than 8 years. I actually served for 7 years (I stepped down my last year to lead the Davis Chamber). Likewise, if I am elected as District 19 Representative and remain the favored candidate, I will not serve in that office for more than 8 years (4 terms). I think that is long enough to be truly effective, but not long enough to become an entrenched bureaucrat. 

So, as with the ethics debate, I've made my standards and self-imposed checks and balances clear. I trust the people of District 19 will vote for the candidate whose standards of ethics and length of service most closely match their own. Thanks Todd for raising the question. I'm interested to know what you and others think.  


So there you go.  As I said, I am interested to know what you think.

Also, please check out  It has a link to my Facebook page and, oh yes, a safe and secure DONATE button.  There are at least 4 candidates for the District 19 seat, so I would certainly appreciate your ideological and financial support for this already vigorous campaign. 

Thanks for your support,  John Pitt


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Postition Statement #1 - Ethics and Campaign Finance Reform

To the Citizens of Utah House District 19

I firmly believe campaign finance practices and legislative ethics standards need to be reformed in Utah. I am not alone. Recent opinion polling shows that most Utahns favor the formulation of an inde
pendent legislative ethics commission and limitations on contributions to legislative candidates*.

Recent court rulings and pending legislative actions are not likely to resolve these issues quickly or completely. So what are you, the Utah voter, to do in the meantime? The answer is simple. Vote for the candidates who have clearly stated ethical standards and campaign policies that match your expectations... then hold them accountable.

To that end, I present my ethical standards and campaign finance policies for your review.

I pledge to conduct my campaign for District 19 Representative honestly, openly, positively, and with full and frequent disclosure of income and expenses, as outlined below:

I welcome contributions to my campaign from supportive individuals and businesses, however, I WILL NOT accept campaign donations from any single individual or business of more than $500 for each of the Primary and General elections.

I WILL NOT accept campaign donations or gifts, with the exception of reasonably priced meals ($25 or less), from any political action committee, union, lobbyist, or from the campaign fund of any current elected official or other political candidate.

I WILL NOT use campaign funds to pay for any non-campaign related personal or business expenses.

I WILL publicly post all of my campaign income and expenses on a weekly basis throughout the full campaign cycle. The first weekly post will appear on on February 15th.

If elected:

I WILL serve the people of District 19 with the same standard of complete integrity, accountability, and dedication that will guide my campaign and that has been at the heart of my public service for the past decade and beyond.

I WILL NOT offer any of my campaign funds to other legislators.

I WILL NOT profit personally or professionally from my service beyond the legally approved compensation and reimbursement allowances for Utah legislators. I WILL NOT serve as a paid lobbyist for any organization while I serve as a legislator, or for at least one year following my service.

As a citizen legislator with a full-time occupation beyond public service, I WILL disclose any conflict of interest that may emerge between pending legislation and my professional and personal interests.

The primary motivation for the votes I cast will be to represent the will and the best interests of the people of District 19. I WILL promote and protect their interests to the best of my ability, in accordance with the US and Utah Constitutions and all applicable laws and standards.

Some people have said these practices and policies will severely restrict my ability to raise money for this campaign. Perhaps, but I am willing to take that risk because I firmly believe in the principles they represent. I believe my campaign support should come primarily from you, the people of District 19. I believe that support will come as I show my resolve to continue to serve you well.

While the debate ebbs and flows elsewhere, District 19 can be the epicenter of ethics and campaign finance reform by electing a candidate who has stated his positions clearly and voluntarily and who will stand by them through Election Day and beyond. I am pleased to be that candidate.

Thank you for your support. I look forward to representing you.

John S. Pitt

Please watch the John Pitt for Utah House Facebook page and my website for forthcoming statements about my positions on other issues important to District 19.

*Deseret News/KSL-TV poll January 17, 2010

Content approved by the Committee to Elect John Pitt

Hat in the Ring

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I am pleased to tell you that I am seeking the Republican nomination to the Utah House of Representatives from District 19. I firmly believe I have the experience, the commitment, the values, the positions, and the goals to be the best possible representative for the people of District 19. I look forward to an honorable and exciting campaign.

I will bring to the Republican ticket a wealth of proven leadership experience and a long record of dedicated public service to the citizens of Bountiful and Woods Cross, including:

Previous Professional/Elected Positions
President and CEO of the Davis Chamber of Commerce – 2.5 years
Member of the Bountiful City Council – 7 years
Advisor to the Bountiful City Youth Council - 7 years
Media Specialist for US Senate Republican Conference (Washington, DC) - 6 years

Current Volunteer/Appointed Positions
County and State Republican Delegate
Bountiful Davis Arts Center Board
Davis Chamber Legislative and Transportation Committees
Davis Education Foundation Board
Pioneer Adult Rehabilitation Center Advisory Committee

I will provide much more information about my specific interests, qualifications, opinions, and objectives in the coming days. In the meantime, you can be assured that my goals are to preserve solid conservative values, promote economic and educational development, and protect individual and business rights. For now I simply want to let you know of my intentions and ask for your support. You can learn more on John Pitt for Utah House on Facebook and coming soon at

Thanks for your consideration - JSP

Content approved by Campaign to Elect John Pitt